Monday, May 4, 2015

CONFERENCING -- “Let’s Interact Face-to-Face Anywhere”


Conferencing shortened the distances among people, increasing the daily interaction in an effective and efficient way. It's an emerging disruption and a form of real-time communications where multiple users can interact with each other by seeing the same screen through their Internet Web browser. Conferencing is highly useful to interact with family, friends, acquaintances and business employees.  Web conferencing is an entertainment system with features including as texting, VoIP (voice over IP) and full-motion video. In addition of the social interaction Web conferencing allows firms to carry their business meetings and seminars to make presentations. Also conduct demonstrations and helps to provide online education and effectively offers direct customer support.

The combination of programing tools of Web pages and Internet communication create Web conferencing. The following programming tools when bundled into one interface create interactive meeting environment:

-HTML, XML and ASL markup
-Java scripts
-Flash animation
-Instant messaging
-Streaming audio and video

How does it works:

The meetings are conducted on the software and server space that has ben provided by hosting services. The meetings are coordinated by software provided by hosting services or companies accommodated with ample server space and bandwidth. The programs can be merged with the firm’s existing email, messaging calendar and other office productivity applications. The attendees can either view presentations in their web browser without installing software and it also provides options for security and encryption. Some meetings require user login and password for the attendees and moderator and use SSL and TSL encryption to protect data. Some companies have use corporate firewalls by suing internal servers for hosting web conferences.

Transformation of Technology with the passage of time and Role of Cloud:

As in these fast changing and competitive environment, technology has been transforming with great pace. Technology has been changing and transforming in various ways, both in hardware and software getting compact day by day. I would like to use the example of Apple on this. Apple being a technological revolutionary changing company that invented and started Touch technology which is huge transformation change in mobile devices and tablets etc. Similarly, the way Apple is changing the concept of hardware technology of laptops and desktops from MacBook pro to MacBook air and IMacs. No hard drive in the upcoming laptops with not much space. All it depends on the data, which is not present in the device BUT somewhere on Internet and that, is a CLOUD.

Cloud is making the technological transformation happening and easy, so in future there in no need to carry heavy devices. This would be beneficial in either ways for both hardware and software in future. From hardware perspective since there is no hard drive and related parts, which are expensive in the laptop and will reduce the overall asset cost. From software perspective as all the data present in Cloud and no need for any storage on the personal device makes it cost effective too.

Conferencing on Cloud Computing:

As we all know cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

Conferencing on cloud along with end-to-end parallel processing technologies deliver speed and local bearing capability. But the customer operating environments vary a great deal, especially on the regional basis and participants outside office environment. Using cloud computing for conferencing give huge edge and advantages in various ways in terms of low-cost, convenience, less storage, efficiency for biz productivity.

Types of Conferencing:

In today’s time conferencing has been needed at every walk of life. This is due to many reasons such as globalization in which people need to live and work overseas away from family and friends. Life is become easy - video and audio conferencing helps to connect face to face anytime and anywhere. Especially in business world conferencing has made it convenient and help firms to achieve their goals of meeting their estimated budgets and cost optimization. As follows are the different types of conferencing:

-       Social Conferencing – This type of conferencing helps people to interact socially with family, friends, acquaintance etc. Some basic type of web based conferencing Skype etc.

-       Business Conferencing – This type of conferencing help businesses to do long distance business meetings face to face. This is very advantageous for firms to save a lot of travelling, accommodation and food costs of their business executives. Some types of business conferencing such as Cisco, Microsoft Lync, Tele presence etc.

-       Mobile applications based Conferencing – As the emergence of mobile industry, the conferencing is absolutely handy and mobile. People can do conferencing anytime and anywhere on mobile. Various mobile-based applications start conferencing services such as Skype, WeChat, Viber, Tango, Facetime etc.

Impact of Globalization on conferencing:

Conferencing can play vital role in Globalization. As the main purpose of globalization is to integrate people from around the world Culturally, demographically, economically, politically, historically, socially etc. The first thing to start Globalization with is ‘Interaction’. To interact people in long distance with low cost is only through Conferencing.

Emerging Innovation Practices of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing, a current trends reveling the next-generation application architecture. A recent report from market research shows that overall cloud market to grow $121bln in 2015, 26% compounded annual growth from $37bln in 2010. Cloud computing, an emerging concept, has attracted much attention in both commercial and academic spheres.

The use of the term ‘cloud’ is metaphorical and typically points to a large pool of usable resources such as hardware and software that are easily accessible via the Internet. Cloud services delivery models can broadly categorize as: Software-as-a-service (SaaS), Service, Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). Each of the service types serve different purposes and target different customers however they share a common business model that is that they ‘rent’ the use of their computing resources including services, applications, infrastructures, and platform to customers.

The benefits of cloud computing can accessed from various perspectives as financial savings and resources management. Reduction in capital investment in hardware and software infrastructures, cloud therefore provides companies with the opportunity to acquire IT capacities that they may not have been able to afford in the past.

Despite the promise of cloud services, there are also obstacles in its growth and adoption. Cloud computing relies heavily on Internet, but lack of constant Internet speed connections would be a significant obstacle. Application program interfaces standardization lacking and platform technologies means that interoperability among platforms is poor and companies will not be able to transfer easily from one cloud provider to another.

New Business practices for Conferencing on Cloud computing:

A lot of firms are adopting cost optimization methods to reduce the costs and focus on budget reductions and savings. Especially after the financial crisis in 2008, firms are looking ways to cut the daily expenses and reduce costs. For the purpose firms take various measures such as BYOD and AWS.

BYOD (Bring your own Device): This method has been adopting by most firms widely. This is mainly for cost savings and employee productivity. This would help employees to be mobile and productive. Conferencing is the growing trend and well suited for BYOD method. I would like to my experience on this, we use to have a global conference call in the bank I worked. The call was conducted by global office in New York with participants all over Asia. To match the time difference between NY and HK the time of the call was 7pm HK time and 7am in NY. Almost all of the NY employees attend calls from their home. And certain work required operating on data so the device is needed, therefore most of the people use their personal device to conduct the call.

AWS (Alternate work schedule): This method also widely use in most of the firms for benefiting employees for their enhanced productivity. This is to provide employees the flexibility of working from home. Working from home with requires either business device or APN (Access point name) to connect to another network from frequently public Internet.

Business Strategies

Low Cost strategy: Based on the analysis, conferencing on cloud computing in any way is a low cost strategy. There is high potential to save costs even when buying, running and maintain the firm’s potential software and established clouds.

Mass Market: The analysis shows the usage of conferencing on high and diversified level. The primary concept of cloud computing is to spread it across the globe to capture the mass market. Due to the low cost and convenience the mass market including the firms and local people all are the targeted customers.

STEEP Model for Conferencing:

Social: Web conferencing has been well developed socially. In todays’ world the rate of interaction due to globalization, conferencing has been developed well. People have changed their lifestyles as long distance face-to-face talks and interact socially with friends and family.

Technological: With technological advancement and transformation, conferencing has gained a lot of acceptance and development. The transformation of technology give a high credentials to conferencing especially on cloud computing. The simplification and reduction of hardware and software in technology allow the conferencing a boost with cloud computing.

Economical: Conferencing on cloud computing with the technological advancement has gained a huge edge economically. The low costs along with the added advantages of convenience, flexibility and mobility make conferencing on cloud highly beneficial.

Environmental: The conferencing on cloud computing makes it highly beneficial environmentally. As the long distance interaction via video and audio conferencing for social and business perspective enable less travelling. Therefore saving flight expenses would enable less usage of fuel and flight and make the environment pollution free.

Political: Since the evolution of Globalization, the interaction of mega firms allows the countries to have some flexibility in political environment. Conferencing plays a huge role in Globalization for the interaction. And the flexible policies of the countries allow conferencing to emerge widely.

Knowledge Transfer Process - Conferencing on cloud computing

Conferencing in knowledge transfer process has been widely accepted. Most of the part conferencing on cloud termed as ‘Tacit’ and ‘Explicit’ at the same time. Conferencing fall in the category of Routine knowledge where it is routinized and embedded in actions and practices. Also it reflects for Systemic knowledge asset where it is systemized and packed explicit knowledge requires database, patents licenses form business perspective.

Apparently the purpose of cloud computing is low cost and convenience. The conferencing has been determined in entertainment category as low cost method.


Through the analysis, it has been identified conferencing on cloud computing is part of entertainment that has been increasing significantly. It could be said that it is a disruptive and emergence technology at the same time. It keeps gaining momentum and spreading on vast level capturing mass market with its low cost strategy and playing an important role in Globalization.

Conferencing on cloud computing as an innovation signifies the potential growth in the changing the business models of firms causing them high benefit financially to achieve the business objectives. It also play major role in social interaction of the people making the life easy and convenient. The STEEP model helps in determining the potential scope of conferencing in all factors socially, technologically, economically, environmentally and politically.

Overall to say the cloud computing on conferencing plays a significant role in establishing globalization, giving an entire and innovative perspective in changing perceptions, attitudes of the firms and people.

1) Cloud computing as innovation: perception, attitude and adoption, April 2012 by Angele Lin 

2) Emerging practices: Design, Research and Education conference 2014, April 2014 by 设计创意学院办公室 

3) Cloud Conferencing: Facilitating Easy Online Meetings   with Clear Audio & Video, 2012 - Omnijoin

4) Better Videoconferencing in the Cloud, January 2014 - Nitin Pradhan

5) Web Conferencing, 2013- Margaret Rouse

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